Aarhus University Seal

Swapping exchange

The IFA swapping exchange is available to all employees at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

In the swapping exchange you will find used equipment that have become redundant to others, but are still useable.

the idea is to give equipment new life,a nd avoid unneccesary purchasing.

If you find something you can use, please feel free to just collect it. No quietions asked. and please also place any functioning unused equipment on the shelves, for others to pick up. it would be much  appreciated if you would supply the item with your name and number in order to answer questions, when appropriate.

The room will contain IT-equipment, vakuum- and laser parts and other redundant laboratory equipment.  

Please find the swapping exchange in room 1524-114 (former hvilerum) in the passage to the right of the lifts. Don't forget your office key.

Equipment too large for the room will be announced on the swapping exchange e-mailing list. To join this list please contact Jacob on 51 94 02 11 or jji@phys.au.dk.